Massage for our TIGER

Oct 4, 2013
Today I will tell you how I am making massage for our precious baby.

I´ve begun to make massage from the very first days, but it was tough just because Damian didn´t want the massage. He was very hungry after bath, actually he was hungry all the times and at the final point after one or two weeks I stoped to make massage. When the child is hungry or irritated or anything else that he doesn´t like he won´t let you do anything with his body.

But, after a few weeks, when his regim more or less was regulated I´ve begun to make massage and I found it fun, as the child was prepared for this and he liked it. Now it is our mantra each evening.

You can choose any time of the day to make massage, I´ve chosen evening, as he is more relaxed and it is easier for me.

Below I will show you in images how I´m making massage to all his body. I was using before Johnson´s Baby Oil, but now I have some samples of baby lotions Mustela and I´m using it.

1.  The chest. Using a little oil or baby lotion I am making movements from the neck to abdomen, and from armpits to abdomen.

2. Abdomen. Then I put some baby lotion on his abdomen and make cirular movements. Here it is important to make massage in clockwise direction. In case that your child has colics or gases or is constipated the massage helps him feel better. I think that I was lucky and Damian hasn´t had colics.

3. The arms. I´m taking one of his arms in my hands and repeating the milking motion from his armpit all the way to his wrist. Then repeat with another arm.

 4. Legs. I´m doing the same procedure as for the arms, I´m "milking" his leg. Then, I´m repeating with another leg.

5. The feet, soles and toes. I´m taking one foot and gently rotate it a few times in each direction, then stroke the top of his foot from the ankle down to the toes. To finish off the feet, I grab each toe and gently pull until my fingers slip off the end. Then repeat with other one.

6. The Back. Here I spend more time, as my baby is just 4 and a half months but he likes to sit almost all the day. So here I´m doing gently movements from the neck to tushy and as well from one side to another how it is shown in the image.


And that is it! See you next time on our blog. xoxo

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