Number recognition. Learning activity.

May 30, 2016
My toddler knows numbers from 2 years old, as I was singing and playing with him a lot with 1 to 10 numbers, even I have sew him these numbers. Now, I just try to repeat them with him, and I like when he recognize numbers in different manners. Here I would like to share with you some of ideas to play with numbers.

1. Draw houses with numbers. Explain that in a house live a number.

2. Apple tree, counting apples on a tree.

3. Sew numbers and play with touching them.

4. Playing with cards.

Other ideas you can find on my previous articles below:

1. Number recognition, perfect inside activity for a toddler

2. 1 to 10 counting educational activity
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10 tips for breast care while breastfeeding.

May 27, 2016
Breast is one of the women's part of the body which suffers a lot of changes during pregnancy, and after giving birth, during breastfeeding. That is why, it is so important to take care of your breast during all this period.

Here are some tips, some of them are inspired from literature that I have read, others from my own experience. I hope these tips will help you as well.

1. Use suitable breastfeeding bra, that are comfortable for you.

2. Mantain you normal way of hygiene, wash your breast with pure water. Do not use in excess soap, lotions or cream, these can damage areola.

3. If you need to use a cream, try to use only creams rich in Vitamin E, only these help to prevent stretch marks.

4. Once your baby finished, apply some milk on the nipples, as our milk has different antiinflamatory components. From my experience it works better than any other cream to hydrate your nipples, in the first days of breastfeeding.

5. Alternate the breasts while feeding, try to evit the colapse of the breast. If your baby do not want to eat, it is good to extract milk and to reserve it for later feed.

6. Do not take out your breast promptly from the mouth of your baby, this action can damage your nipples. Use your finger to cut the vacuum that have been created with the mouth of your baby, and only then you can take your breast out.

7. Make regular massage to your breast. This helps from engorgement.

8. Do not expose directly your nipples to the sun.

9. Make some excercise for breast muscles. It is great to swim, yoga or pilates, but before doing this ask your doctor.

10. If you use absorbent discs, try to change them regularly to evit humedity.

Keep breastfeeding, I am sure you are doing a great job.
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Inside activity for a rainy day. Boys love cars.

May 25, 2016
On a rainy day it is most difficult to keep quiet a toddler, who enjoy running, skipping an playing football. One thing is true, all boys are the same, and all of them love to play with cars. In my last days of pregnancy I thought that it would be a great idea to make my toddler a high-way and parking for his little cars. As well, I thought that it is a great idea to remember him the rules of a traffic light.

I think we've done a great job together, and my toddler enjoyed playing with his cars.

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10 tips for better breastfeeding. 2nd time mommy.

May 23, 2016
The decision to breastfeed or to give formula to your baby is just yours. If you finally decide to breastfeed your baby, this post is for you. I am happy to share some of my experience with you my dear reader.

When you are a first time mommy, you are not prepared for all breastfeeding problems that occurs in the first few days, which are the most difficult to pass. Then you take control over it, and life goes easier. Here, I would like to share with you few tips of breastfeeding that helped me a lot with my second son, and now I am easily breastfeeding my baby.

1. Breastfeed as soon as possible, here I mean from your baby's first minutes of life. Researches demonstrate that in the first hour after giving birth suction is the most intense.

2. Breastfeed as many times as your baby requieres it. Mainly it is very important to do this in theirs' first days of life. Our body is very clever and it produces as much milk as our baby needs.

3. Night breastfeeding is very important as well, because it is the time when prolactina has its' more effective production.

4. Take care of your and baby's position while breastfeeding. I prefer to lay on the bed and breastfeed. It is the best position for me and baby to breastfeed efficiently. You decide yours. Of course, if you breastfeed in public such position is not possible.

5. Baby is who takes control over breastfeeding, more he eats, more milk you will produce. These 2 go together.

6. Be aware, your baby will ask for breastfeeding not just only when he is hungry, but as well on the moments when he needs consolation.

7. Your diet is very important. Be aware that now you are one, and you do not have to eat for 2. As well, you have to make a correct diet and to eat the necessary amount of food. Eat all but in little quantities. In my country there is a misperception that you do not have to eat fruits as then your baby will have colics and will cry. It is true just if you abuse with fruits, but when you eat a little bit of each it is great for your and your baby's health. I haven't left to eat fruit while I have breastfeeded my first baby and now neither. And from my experience my first baby, now a toddler, loves fruits and eats them every time I propose them to him.

8. Hydrate your body, drink at least 2 l of water a day. If you are already breastfeeding you can feel by yourself how much water you want to drink.

9. Take care with drinks with caffeine, such as coffee or normal coke. Firstly it is not recomended for your baby's health, and secondly you will see that your baby is very agressive and won't sleeep a good part of the day. I didn't know about that, and have experienced this bad day with my first kid. Then I have read about caffeine on breastfeeding and found out how bad is this. Now when I really want a coffee I drink decaffenaite one.

10. Ask for help. If you have doubts about breastfeeding and you don't know how to solve them, ask for help to your doctor or other mommi
es who have passed through this experience.

Good luck and enjoy breastfeeding as these moments are the best ones.
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3 years birthday celebration. Ideas for toddler birthday.

May 20, 2016
This year I have had no time to prepare our toddler's birthday. After giving birth to our second son, I was upset about the idea that I haven't thought about Damian's birthday. And the worst thing was that I had no idea of what to do. When one day, my husband proposed to go to the zoo on his birthday, and ideas began to run on my head. Of is a great idea to do a zoo theme birthday, Damian loves animals.

 Damian's birthday:

1. Morning - 'Happy Birthday' song with cake and wall of memories.

The idea was to prepare a wall full of his images from 2 to 3 years and through the images to put some zoo animals, to make this mural more zoo friendly. Like in the image. (animals' pictures are from pinterest)

Other idea was to write 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' with animals signs. Letters I have found on pinterest.( I love pinterest)

2. Nursery - cake and birthday things for all toddlers of his class to play during the day, balloons as well, but no image :(.

3. Midday - go to the Zoo Barcelona

The idea was to go next half of the day to the zoo Barcelona and to enjoy the day with zoo animals.

4. Evening - family celebration.

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I was born on my mum's birthday.

May 17, 2016
Sometimes you prepare the things to go perfectly and they do not go, other times these are just perfect. My second boy was born on my birthday, if I would like this to happen I am not sure that ot would happen. From now on, we will have to celebrate 2 birthdays in one day.

Now we are 4, and we learn to be a family of 4, that is not so easy. I invite you to learn this path with me, on this blog, how is to be mommy of 2 adorable boys and how to be a great mum and not forget that you are a woman and has to be yourself.

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More fresh fruits on his diet. Healthy kids are the happiest kids, and we are the happiest parents.

May 11, 2016
It is normal, nowadays, that we are too busy to think about a diet, mostly when both parents are working all day long. But I am sure, that every mum has thought about the diet of her kid and always tried that his diet to be the best one.

Our diet has to be rich and variated. There has to be proteins, fats, sugars, minerals, water, carbonohydrates. After reading some Health reports about a rich diet I had made my appointments:

1. Do not abuse with lacteal foods.

I would say that within all of the information that I have read, this point I abused a lot till these days. As I always thought, that it is great when your kid eats and drinks lacteal foods.

Till 1 year it is ok that baby is breastfeeding or taking formula as their stomach is not prepared to eat a big variation of solid food. And milk, breastmilk or formula, replace all the ingridients that our baby need. To take into consideration that cow milk is not the best one to feed your baby till 1 year as this contains a little amount of iron. Kids eat a big amount of lacteal, this means not only milk but as well yogurts, cheese and other things made from milk. And because of that, they do not want to eat other food that it is important as well, like fruits or vegetables. So, the diet becomes poor and our toddler does not eat the necessary amount of nutrients. A lot of mums offer to their kid lacteal foods for the dessert, me too, because we think that the diet will be complete. As the result, it is better to give as a dessert a cup of fresh fruit juice or fresh fruits instead of milk. I try to do this for several days and my kid is enjoying eating fruit.

2. Eat more fresh fruits.

As mentioned in previous point, is is always great to give your kid some fresh fruits for the dessert. I give him fruit for the snack time as well and sometimes at the breakfast. I hope I am doing right. Fresh fruit contains fiber, which is great to give your kid if he suffers from constipation. Fresh fruit juice is great as well, but this doesn't contain fiber. So, you have to decide what it is better for your kid.

3. Stop giving too much cereals.

Even though, I have read different sources and in ones are written that it is great to give cereals to your kid and in others that it is not as good. The idea at the end is not abuse with them, such as with milk, it is good but in less quantities. Cereals do not have the necessary amount of nutrients and to be loved by our kids usually the companies make them with sugar, honey or chocolate. It is ok to give our kids cereals without these additives.

4.  Say NO to refreshments!

The best thing to give is pure water, as all refreshments contain a big amount of sugar. Apart of the thing that kids want to drink more and more after taking refreshments. As well kids do not want to eat after them. Try to give your toddler a cup of refreshment and then try to feed him. I am sure it will be mostly impossible.

Ex. At this point I would like to write my own experience. I gave my toddler regularly juice, not a fresh fruit juice, but one bought in the supermarket that it is easy to use and has the perfect size. After some days I have noticed that my toddler begins to eat poorer every day. I thought, ok, no problem. As I have read from various sources that sometimes kids do not have appetite and it is ok. This happened not one or two days long, but more than 2 weeks. We became affraid of this as our kid began to lose weight. Then we went to the doctor and consulted with him and the problem that we had was giving him juice whenever he required. It was difficult to leave this habbit, but now we gave him a little juice once in 2 or 3 days. So, please, do not repeat our mistake.

How about you? What do you give or restrict to your kid? Share your experience with us.
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