5 things to take with you in the car, while traveling with kids

Jun 3, 2015
Hello summer! Welcome sunshine and wonderful weather. All of us were waiting for you for 9 months, like a mum waiting for her baby.
Who is lucky had already had it's holidays, but who is even luckier will have it's holidays in a very short time. That's why, here I am, with some tips while travelling with kids. Today I will share some important things to take with you in a car.
Apart of food and drinks, you also have to take into consideration, how you will keep busy your child in the car. Here are my 5 top things to take in the car:
1. Toys that open and shut, change its forms, I take some bracellets or my beauty things, because our toddler like to play with them.

2. Personage toys, if you have finger toys ot is a good option as well. Kids like storytelling and if it is 4D it is even better. We take winnie and tiger to play with, I tell him different kinds of stories about theirs adventures and how they love to play with each other.
3. Music, songs that he is familiar with. We have a CD with songs he used to sing in the nursery, I have learned some of them and we sing together while travelling
4. Books or colorful images.

5. Your mobile. Actually, I think it is not the best thing to give to your child while travelling, but from my experience it is easiest and quickest way to stop kid's tantrum in the car.

I hope you will find useful this tips and enjoy your holiday as we did.

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