10 tips for parents who travel by plane with kids.

Jun 8, 2015

Ahh, yes, we talk over and over again about holidays, vacations, getaways and great time with family. I am an agent travel, loving mother and just a person who lives abroad with her family. We go twice a year, this year just once, to see my parents who live far away from us and as well our far-flung relatives. On our first 2 years we flew a lot, and got some experience.

Our first flight was with our 2 months baby, and it was something simmilar to... whaaa whaaa whaa... all flight. All this tantrum, was due to pression and because our baby didn´t want to take the pacifier to calm down. I just literally woke up and took my baby in the arms and stayed with him almost half an hour or an hour, till he got tranquil. Hmmm, you would say, what a crazy mum will go with a 2 month baby on a plane,.. yeah.... me... totally crazy mum.

During his growth, nothing changed, apart of our experience and we understood which things he likes and which one doesn´t. What things to take with us, and which once not. It is true that in an 1 hour flight was quite easier to keep busy our kid than in 3 or 4 hours flight, but nothing is impossible if you follow some of our tips, that I would like somebody have told me before.

1. When you book your flight, choose your flight hours, choose the hours when your baby has to sleep - ALWAYS! First time when we flew with our baby, my flight time was just after his sleep hour at midday. Now I take flights or right at the midday, or late in the evening. If you manage to get your baby tired before entering the plane, you can choose any hour you want. Your baby will get asleep, and won´t notice the pressure the same way as when he is awake. You will have time to relax and sometimes to read anything.

2. Your handbag, DO NOT bring all sort of things that can be packed in a luggage with you in the plane. It is useless, and if you do not prepare properly your handbag, you will find difficult and annoying to get that pacifier or bottle, while baby has his tantrum. Pack the handbag just with the most important things, and all to be arranged in the way you can get all things with just one touch of your bag.

3. Pacifier, or a bottle with water or milk, candies, chew gums, anything to suck, depends on the age of your kid. I used pacifier till 1 year, now we use the bottle with milk, I have heard that a lot of mums use candies. This help your kid do not feel discomfort of the pressure during takeoff and landing.

4. Diapers - change diaper before you enter the plane, because even if your next seat is empty and nobody is sitting, it is not permitted to change him there. And in the toilet, depending on the flight, in little ones it is very uncomfortable to change a diaper. I think that in most cases you will be lucky enough to change the diaper before and after getting into the plane.

5. ALWAYS bring an extra pair of clothing for your kid and you. You do not want to be pissed on or covered in vomit. Lucky us, we didn´t have such experience, but we always have one more pair of clothing with us.

6. Toys, not a lot of them, as you will have additional work in the plane, as babies like to throw them away if they get nervous. From my experience the best things are big ones: a plush toy, a book (with a lot of images and very colorful), plastic cups and straws (you can ask for them in the plane). DO NOT take little things like crayons, little toys or puzzle, you will get crazy in the plane.

7. Food, even if your flight is not a lowcost, you have to bring some food with you. Avoid all foods that are sticky, messy or crumby. Make sure all the food is in little boxes and are easy to use. We use to take croissants that are packed one by one, a sandwich or some candies.

8. Bring with you napkins, sanitizers, and plastic bags for trash, A LOT OF THEM, in the plane you will use more than usual.

9. Let people help you, sometimes you just need somebody to tell you that you have left something on a seat.

10. Once you land, make sure almost all the passangers left the plane. Make sure you have everything with you.

I wish you will have a wonderful flight with your kids. And remember, if your kid is crying do not let this to stress you, other people will understand and won´t bother you.

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