Tips for introducing a newborn to a family with toddler.

Jun 1, 2016
I was aware, of introducing a new member of our family, to our toddler from my first days of pregnancy. I thought, that Damian, would not accept easily his brother and he will be very gelous, because we always gave him all our attention and a new member, will mean, less attention to him. Looking back, I understand, that all steps that we have done, helped us and our toddler to pass easier this change in our life. I mean, that he is still gelous, but not as much as I have expected and our toddler loves his brother.

Below I share with you some tips.

1. Tell to your first kid about a sibling, from the beginning of your pregnancy. He has to take care of your bump and not to push in it. Our toddler was kissing his brother from my early days of pregnancy. I don't know if he knew already what we will expect, but the feeling was that he understands all.

2. Take your toddler to the doctor visits, not to all of them, but some of them. On such visits we were listening the heart of the baby. These moments, helped our toddler to understand that there is life inside my bump.

3. Days in the hospital. When our toddler visited us, I told him, that doctor helped mum to give birth to his brother, and now in my bump there is nobody, as his brother is already with us, and will be part of our family. It was strange for him, he was touching my bump all first month to see my reaction, and why it disappeared so quickly.

4. Little brother brought him a lot of presents. Little presents that your toddler would like to receive. We repeated a lot of times that his little brother will bring him presents, because he loves Damian. I think this was the most important thing that we could make, our toddler enjoyed all his presents and showed his love from the first days. I know that some mothers will say that love cannot be bought, it's true...but it works.

5. Spend time with toddler while the baby is sleeping. Try to envolve him in more interesting activities and show him your love. I mean, show your toddler that even if you have less time to spend with him, you still love him as much as before.

6. Invite your toddler to help you while you are changing diaper, for example, he can bring you a diaper or a body while changing clothes. In this way toddler feels his importance in the family and how much he can help you with baby. It is important to tell him how brave is he.

7. Respect your toddler routine. Huuuh, this is the most complicated for me, but I try to do it well. Even if you haven't slept all night, because of your baby, you have to make your toddler routine in the morning. Which is breakfast and going to the nursery. And in the evening, dinner at the same time as before and bath at the same time as before and of course his sleeping hours to be the same as before. It is not so easy, but my husband helps me a lot and we are doing a great job together.

Of course in all these tips you need help, and I am really gratefull to my husband for his help.

Good luck and enjoy!

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