10 tips for better breastfeeding. 2nd time mommy.

May 23, 2016
The decision to breastfeed or to give formula to your baby is just yours. If you finally decide to breastfeed your baby, this post is for you. I am happy to share some of my experience with you my dear reader.

When you are a first time mommy, you are not prepared for all breastfeeding problems that occurs in the first few days, which are the most difficult to pass. Then you take control over it, and life goes easier. Here, I would like to share with you few tips of breastfeeding that helped me a lot with my second son, and now I am easily breastfeeding my baby.

1. Breastfeed as soon as possible, here I mean from your baby's first minutes of life. Researches demonstrate that in the first hour after giving birth suction is the most intense.

2. Breastfeed as many times as your baby requieres it. Mainly it is very important to do this in theirs' first days of life. Our body is very clever and it produces as much milk as our baby needs.

3. Night breastfeeding is very important as well, because it is the time when prolactina has its' more effective production.

4. Take care of your and baby's position while breastfeeding. I prefer to lay on the bed and breastfeed. It is the best position for me and baby to breastfeed efficiently. You decide yours. Of course, if you breastfeed in public such position is not possible.

5. Baby is who takes control over breastfeeding, more he eats, more milk you will produce. These 2 go together.

6. Be aware, your baby will ask for breastfeeding not just only when he is hungry, but as well on the moments when he needs consolation.

7. Your diet is very important. Be aware that now you are one, and you do not have to eat for 2. As well, you have to make a correct diet and to eat the necessary amount of food. Eat all but in little quantities. In my country there is a misperception that you do not have to eat fruits as then your baby will have colics and will cry. It is true just if you abuse with fruits, but when you eat a little bit of each it is great for your and your baby's health. I haven't left to eat fruit while I have breastfeeded my first baby and now neither. And from my experience my first baby, now a toddler, loves fruits and eats them every time I propose them to him.

8. Hydrate your body, drink at least 2 l of water a day. If you are already breastfeeding you can feel by yourself how much water you want to drink.

9. Take care with drinks with caffeine, such as coffee or normal coke. Firstly it is not recomended for your baby's health, and secondly you will see that your baby is very agressive and won't sleeep a good part of the day. I didn't know about that, and have experienced this bad day with my first kid. Then I have read about caffeine on breastfeeding and found out how bad is this. Now when I really want a coffee I drink decaffenaite one.

10. Ask for help. If you have doubts about breastfeeding and you don't know how to solve them, ask for help to your doctor or other mommi
es who have passed through this experience.

Good luck and enjoy breastfeeding as these moments are the best ones.

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