Throwing & Catching a ball. Toddler outside activity

Jul 20, 2015
Looking through studies about toddlers development I have found a really interesting information about the topic we will discuss today. Throwing balls our kids are able more or less from their 18th month, I mean a conscient throw of a ball, not simple throwing of any objects, that even babies of 6 months are able to do. But how about catching? I was quite surprised when last week I tried to play with our toddler in catching a ball, and he perfectly did that. I wouldn´t say that he can catch 100% of times I throw him the ball, but more or less every time. As well, here depends on the distance between us, less distance, more possibilities to catch a ball.

I have never thought about this game before, but seems like a great outside activity for our toddler. According studies, were made about development of toddlers and kids of different ages, were seen that such a simple game as throwing and catching the ball, develop ‘hand-eye’ or ‘foot-eye’ coordination (when our eyes work together with our hands or feet), develop timing and balance of a kid. This skills are not an inherent skills, these are more learnt through repetition. This mean that more you play with your kid, more you will develop this skills in your child, no secrets at all here :).

The game is simple, you as a parent has to stay in front of your toddler having a short distance between you. Once you see that your toddler has mastered the skill to catch the ball you gently throw the ball from the larger distance. Eventually, you can move on to larger or shorter distance depending on how perform your toddler in catching the ball.

It is important in the process of the game, leave your child to catch the ball as many times as it is possible and engourge him doing this activity by telling him about his wonderful work of catching a ball. He must be proud of the results, to be motivated to play other time as well.

Here are some lovely images while we played this game.

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