How to teach easier alphabet? Printables is a good choice for this educational activity

Mar 11, 2015
Printables.... How I even haven't find them before?...but, I'm happy that I find them now.

It is not so easy to teach a child a language living in a multicultural environment, when you come from a bilingual family and the city where you live as well have 2 languages. It is difficult, but who told that this is impossible. I always tried to speak to my child just one language, and to learn with him songs in the same language, watch youtube videos in this language. I have seen a really good progress, but I didn't know that printables can help me so much on our educational path. Last week me and my husband prepared this printables in the alphabet order, as we wanted him to be familiar with the letters and all the words which begin with that letter. This educational activity I think is good way to teach your toddler new words and makes this task easier for mums.

Preparation: dad looked for good quality images on google search, each image have to begin with a letter of the alphabet, then I made a power point slides with images, printed, cut and the printables were ready for use.

See below in the images how these look likes. The amazing part of the printables was that my toddler told me clearly two new words just this weekend.

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