How many hours is sleeping your baby?

Dec 14, 2013
My question is for you dear mums, how much is sleeping your lovely baby?

First days I was thinking that my baby is not sleeping at all, but actually I was not sleeping at all :D. I was reading that newborns have to sleep almost 14-18 hours per day. So, as not sleeping mum (I think that almost all of you passed through these tough days) I've begun to count the hours one by one while he was sleeping. My big surprise was that Damian was sleeping almost 19 hours per day, the only problem was that these hours were not followed, it was like he was sleeping half an hour, then he was waking up por another half an hour, then he could decide to sleep just 20 minutes, so I couldn't even to make some stuff for me. Meanwhile he was sleeping I had to make a shower, to dress up, to eat... and all these just in 20 minutes. It was very interesting, even in the night he wasn't sleeping more than 1,5 hours followed. BUT, this happened just first days of his life, and now I remember it with a smile on my face, and if sincere I'm very happy that I passed through these tough moments as I've begun to appreciate all the moments that I am free.

Each month it becomes easier and easier as Damian began to sleep followed and during the night I had no problems with him to wake up. He woke up just for feeding and nothing more. Till 4 months during the day he was sleeping as much half an hour followed if we were at home, and as much one hour if we were outside. As all this time I was thinking why my baby is not sleeping followed I was calculating his time of sleeping and it were almost 16-17 hours a day, not bad at all, but if you think that it could be followed and you could arrange to do a lot of things during this time... but no.. it wasn't followed, no way :).

Now, he is almost 7 months, just 1 week left to have this big number, Damian is sleeping very well, during the night 10-11 hours, and during the day 3-5 hours, depends on how much he is tired. I am happy, as now he begins to sleep more followed. During the day he can sleep sometimes almost 3 hours followed, it is just WOW... not always, but at least he is sleeping 1,5 hours followed and this is just great.

Nobody and nowere is writing and telling you that babies are not sleeping followed first months. I found this information asking other people with babies and almost all of them are not sleeping followed a lot of hours.

I adore him while he is sleeping, I think that every mum that is reading this understands me very well and not just because you have some time for you, but as well to watch him sleeping. Me and daddy could not resist not to take pictures of him while he is sleepping. Here you have some images from all the times...

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