First steps...

Feb 3, 2014
When did your child begin to walk?

I would not say that Damian begins walking at his 8 and a half, but as I know there are children who are walking at this age...he is just trying to do this. All the evenings we help his muscles to be prepared to walk alone, with helping him go with us or with a baby-walker, as well helping him staying on his feet alone by keeping by a chair or sofa. And for sure, massage his feet before sleeping.

He is not crawling on all fours, and at the seven months I was a little bit worried, as I have heard and read that almost all the children at this age are crawling on all fours and in case they are not crawling they are staying on two feet. Damian liked to stay on feet almost from 5 months and a half, but he wasn´t walking... till grandpa showed him how to do this :). From 7 months and a half he began to do his first steps, little ones, but for us it was a really big success. Now he is performing and he is walking quicklier and you have to run after him, and in case we leave him in a baby-walker he is walking by himself. The bad thing is that we cannot leave him for a long time in a baby-walker, as he becomes bored and sometimes even begins to cry... but I would like to mention that baby-walker is a great invention as it can save 10-15 min for you, and for things you have to do.

It is hard to mantaint his walking pace, but we try to enjoy this, as each moment of his growth is priceless, and never it will be repeated.

1 comment:

  1. Victor began to walk at 8 months, Valery made her first steps at 14 months. All children are different, don't worry. Just keep on working with him, your baby is bravo!
